Sunday, September 14, 2008

This weekend Kitesurfing 13th, 14th September 2008

The wind initially didnt look that great, Mike decided to head to Batti on his motorbike, the rest of us proceeded to XXX - our second home, well third for some! Was nice to see Holger perform with his new Naish Helix, Hannes with another of his prototype kites....and oh, the wind of excellent!


Anonymous said...

hey! like how many knots? i've got flu (wife says exhaustion...after 4 days/4 4 hours at a time...LOL) so nuffin for the last 2 days, plus tmoro, but by tuesday if the wind holds....yippeee!

btw i found this... is it your group? looks a bit of a narrow stretch of water tho'...


dilsiriw said...

hey, its was a 15/16 knot wind. ah exhaustion, we all go through that. thanks for the youtube clip, it is kalpitiya and i presume hiks as well.....