Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hikkaduwa is Porno!

Apparently 'disturbances' in the Indian ocean have given way to nice wind conditions in Hikkaduwa these few days. If you happen to be there, keep an eye for Mads and Dinesh as they play around on the surf!

Unfortunately, the rest of us have work during the weekdays...hope the conditions last during the weekend.

Stay safe, stay porno!


Anonymous said...

confirmed! had a blast today, port tack on the way out. it was good, much less gusty than ssw wind we've had since april. felt weird after so many months doing everything the other way round.. i'll see tomorrow..

dilsiriw said...

get well sooon!

dirty talking tips said...

I know this is quality based blogs along with other stuff.
acompanhantes cariocas