Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dolphins, Downwinders, Wave Riding - Kitesurfing just gets better

Its just over a year since I began kitesurfing. The experiences just seem to get better and better - the last weekend of May could perhaps be the best so far. Firstly, the crowd - Schwendtke family - Tassilo and his dad Meinhard. Tassilo and I kited for the first time last year - I was barely able to go upwind and I remember he giving me tips...now the tips were more on how to master the art of front and back loops along with board grabs. Perhaps in a year I would be at that level. His dad, though not a kitesurfer also chases the wind - windsurfing! Respect to windsurfers - its not an easy sport to master.
Secondly, the downwind session with Marcel, Hannes, Marc and his two guest and our photo companions Elizabeth, Marie and Sophie who followed on the safety boat... Riding the waves was amazing, speeding up to catch the wave and then riding them and heading off to catch another wave at will! While some stopped at a place we call 'Dream Spot' the rest proceeded downwind until it was just Marcel and I who continued to reach the tip of Puttalam. We did get delayed by the Army - the usual checking of permits etc but we were rewarded with a wonderful sight of dolphins (Indo Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins) swimming 15 meters from us. It sure was the hightlight of the entire weekend.
Next weekend, we'll be at it again.


Anonymous said...

coming coming....im already 1/4 of the way there, seeduwaaaa, lol! gotta get hold of that board u know, very soon (and a mast somehow...).

dilsiriw said...

nice. sooner the better :)